
When teaching and learning are visible, there is a greater likelihood of students reaching higher levels of achievement


To be successful today, and into the future, students need a set of transferable skills that will enable them to adapt, contribute and excel in the wider, global world. We have looked into the latest educational research and evidence and then focused our teaching and learning on what will make a difference, that is, what has the greatest impact on student achievement.

At Victory, we believe that the development of strong literacy and mathematical skills are essential. Our explicit teaching and continuous student tracking allow us to provide individual and targeted learning programs so all students develop strong skills.

We set high expectations for our learners and establish student learning goals that are achievable but also challenging. Our students know what they need to do to achieve success in their learning goals. Students receive clear, ongoing and relevant feedback that aims to improve student achievement as the learning is occurring, so it has the greatest impact.

Our online LMS (Learning Management System) Cirrus provides families feedback in real-time. Students and their families know how they are going, what they are doing well and what they need to work on. This information is accessible 24/7 via Cirrus.

Teachers at Victory collaborate to plan high-quality teaching and learning programs. Through embracing innovation and our commitment to professional learning, the curriculum at Victory is progressive and engaging.

Approaches such as: Visible Learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering & Mathematics), Inquiry Learning, Coding and The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, ensure our students are able to collaborate, communicate, work as a team, create, problem solve and think critically. All skills that will assist them to be engaged, active and successful members of the community.

Year 6 2023 Sustainable Houses Showcase