Support for Students & Families
The Well-being Team
Victory is committed to providing a safe environment and assisting students to develop appropriate skills and attitudes to resolve problems in academic, psychological, emotional and social contexts.
The Well-being team at Victory consists of the Director of Well-being, Ms Kareena Musgrave along with the Well-being Mentors, who are available to discuss personal or social issues with students confidentially as required.
Counselling sessions focus on being supportive. If appropriate, a joint approach with other staff including the student's Pastoral Caregroup teacher and Year Level leader. Together, these staff members work with students to develop strategies to help them cope with the various demands placed on them.
Disclosure Statement to Students - Counselling
Victory Lutheran College provides counselling services for its students as part of its pastoral care program. These are provided through counsellors employed by the College. Students are encouraged to make use of these services if they need assistance. However, there are a number of things that students and their parents/carers should know before using the counselling service.
External Services
At times, external support may be recommended. Families may also wish to contact the following services directly to discuss a specific problem or concern.
External services are available to provide support to families needing help:
- Kids Helpline (24 hours) ................................ 1800 551 800
- Suicide Call back (24 hours)........................... 1300 659 467
- Lifeline (24 hours) ......................................... 131 114
- Men’s Line (24 hours) .................................... 1300 789 987
- National Sexual Assault, Domestic .............. 1800 737 732
Family Violence Counselling Service (24 hours) - Child Protection ............................................ 131 278
- Nurse on Call (24 hours) ............................... 1300 606 024
- Urgent Housing (24 hours) ............................ 1800 825 955
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