Each year the Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) visit Victory to help our students learn more about the role we can all play in caring for those people less fortunate than us around the world.

At Victory Lutheran College we pride ourselves on not only nurturing academic excellence, but also instilling the values of compassion, empathy and service in our students. One of the avenues through which we fulfill this commitment is by actively engaging with organisations like the Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS), both locally and globally, to make a positive impact on the world around us.

ALWS is an agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand, with its home offices based here in Albury. Through their work and support our College community can extend our reach into communities around the world that are affected by poverty, natural disasters and conflict. This week our students from Foundation all the way through to Year 10 and some of our Year 11 classes, had the opportunity to hear stories and examples from places where ALWS operate. It has provided a great opportunity for students to develop awareness, empathy and compassion, whilst hearing of ways they can support this worthy cause.

While we think about overseas and the events taking place, where many people are in need, we can sometimes forget our own backyard, and the many people facing issues here locally. People locally experience homelessness, food insecurity, poverty and more, and we can all play a part in helping those in need.

I am reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40....

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

We thank ALWS for the work they are doing in helping those people in need and may we be reminded that we can all play a role locally and globally, as when we do, it is as if we are doing it for Jesus himself.

Mr Joel Klemke 
College Chaplain

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